We have had a fun few weeks! I took Kiyah & Kenidi to the park to get some pictures before it starts to snow & covers up all the fall leaves. They did so much better than I expected & I think that the pics turned out pretty cute too :)
For Halloween me & my sister Angie made the girls some tutus. One was a angel & had a shirt that said "I am the good twin". And the other was a devil & had a shirt that said "I am the evil twin". They looked so adorable & when I took them trunk or treating on Friday night everyone said I had to switch them the next day so they wouldnt get a complex. Which made me laugh because that is what my Mother told me when I first told her about the costumes! So I did end up switching them.
We went trick or treating in my sisters neighborhood first, the girls were slow pokes! But I think they had a good time. Angies kids were dressed up as Woverine(Topher), A construction worker (Chase) & Optimus Prime(Nick). They looked really awesome!
All in all it was a pretty good Halloween even though I was kind of a grump the whole night!