Me & my sisters recently went & got some matching tattoos. It sounds dorky but they are awesome like us :) They are suppose to be the Chinese symbol that stands for "sisters". But since we left the original one we printed off at Angie's, Michelle printed off a new one at our parents house but it was different from the one we first saw. So who knows what it stands for? Any way it was Angie's first tattoo & she did way better than me & I already have a few. Michelle did good too. I guess I am just a wimp or I have way tougher skin so it hurts more? ;)
I think it says mothers and daughter. LOL It says sisters!
ReplyDeleteI asked my co-worker who is Chinese to confirm. It is correct and means Sisters.
Just so you can see for yourself, you can do a search for "sisters" at http://kanjidict.stc.cx/japkanji.php
ReplyDeleteTeh resulting characters are http://kanjidict.stc.cx/3850 and http://kanjidict.stc.cx/4865 (meaning elder sister and younger sister respectively and sisters when put next to each other). The character you have is http://kanjidict.stc.cx/3039 (meaing elder sister or maidservent). The meaning as a set is undefined in the dictionary, but likely the same.