Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I'm growing up !

I am growing up in more than 1 way! I let my girls go to the sand dunes without me this last weekend! This is a HUGE step for me. I was so so so stressed when they first left, I was crying & felt sick. But then once I heard they were there safely I was much better! And I knew they were in good hands.
    The other way I am growing up is I turned 24 last Saturday! Which really isnt a big deal, but I had a great bday! I went & got my hair CHOPPED off, literally. Its super short but its nice to have something new. Here is a pic, sorry its bad quality & I am not photogenic so this is me trying!

After the hair appointment I went shopping shopping & shopping with my mom & sister Angie. Which I never do so it was super fun. I also sold BOTH the remaining puppies to this awesome couple. I am so happy they will get to go to the same home! The only downer is I have to keep them for 2 more weeks. The bad thing about that is Kenidi & Kiyah do not know what no means when it comes to the puppies. It gives me a headache how many times & can say no, and put them in time out & yell & they still wont stop touching them!!! This is going to be a looong 2 weeks!
    To end my birthday Angie, Chas & I went to dinner & a movie. We actually walked into Red Robin , & walked out because we wanted to go to Roosters to harass my brother Wes(he works there). I think we were successful! And the movie we saw was Hot Tub Time Machine. It was pretty funny if you are into crude inappropriate humor like us!
    Hopefully my next post will be some super cute pictures me & Angie are going to take of all the kids at the union station for easter! 

Monday, March 22, 2010

Life goes on..

 So the puppies are officially on their way out the door! They got shots & dewormed today & are 6 weeks old. "Jasper" was the first to go. His new owners were here by 330 to pick him up! Now only 2 left! We have one lady interested in little "Alice" & we still have "Jacob". I think the girls are going to take this a little harder than they did with  "Nessie" from the first litter since they were a little younger. When they woke up from their nap they were so confused, asking where Jasper went.
   Here he is cuddling with his siblings for the last time! Sure going to miss this little stinker!
And here he is ready to go to his new home, confused as to what is going on! (sorry my thumb is in the pic!) Luckily he is going to a great family who promises to send pics!
Really wish we could keep them all! But they are to stinky & messy! PLUS selling them means I can pay for my San Fran trip next month! Cannot wait! Also my birthday is this weekend & get to go get new clothes for the trip! I NEVER buy new clothes so this is a treat for me! And I am chopping my hair which doesn't happen often either! So I have an exciting month ahead.
     Onto another subject.. this weekend my in laws are going camping at the sand dunes & riding 4 wheelers. I have heard nothing but horror stories about the sand dunes. And Brandon wants to take the girls up there on Saturday until Sunday without me! I am SUCH a worrier I don't think I will be able to handle it, but I don't want to miss out on my Saturday birthday plans either.. Any advice? He promises they wont get on a 4 wheeler & will be in the camp ground with his mom.. but I am so nervous about this! I am even scared about them driving so far without me! Ah! I need to learn to relax but I cannot!

   Any who! To end this post I wanted to include a pic of my little hoodlums holding all 3 of the puppies!   

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Well..  I have fallen off the band wagon the last few days. I haven't been watching what I'm eating & I had a little bit of DP.. Also I bought fast food! Ugh! I have had a horrible week between my messy house, down mood & work, so I used all of that as an excuse! Dangit. Well i figured I would "blog" about what I do wrong so maybe, just maybe I will have some more self control! I really need to find out where to buy that.. Or how to get it & keep it! I am SO ready to get healthy but cannot find the energy or time. My Dr said it would take 6 weeks of healthy eating & working out to really feel a difference. The sooner I start the sooner I will feel better. If anyone has any advice I would love it! And sorry that I have been talking alot about this diet thing. I need to start talking more about these wild little 3 year old girls that I love so much! Here is a pic just for fun. Them just being them selves! They dont even have their hair done :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Zoo, Up & grilled cheese!

I thought I had to work today & was all mentally prepared. So I checked my schedule last night & discovered I didn't have to work! I was so excited. Chet my cousin texted me shortly after that & asked if me & the girls wanted to go with her & her little boy Karsyn to the zoo. Of course we wanted to. I haven't took the girls to the zoo in quite a while. And they did so good. They ate lunch & we saw all the cool animals. We even got to see the penguins, it has been years since I have seen them! Every time I'm there they are never out. We also saw the tigers which I haven't seen for years either! The kids LOVED the giraffes the very most. We spent a long time in there. They also loved the baby elephant Zuri, but Kiyah thought it was going to be an elephant she could hold in her hand so she was slightly disappointed there wasn't a teeny tiny elephant!  After that all the kids rode the carousel & lastly they played on the playground. I always forget that when going to the zoo it is going to be a work out. I pulled that wagon all over the place!
After the zoo we dropped Chet & Karsyn off and headed to the red box! After watching the oscars last night all I wanted to do was watch the movie Up. So we brought it home then me & my girls cuddled up on the couch & watched the entire show! The girls didn't whine or get up & play, this is rare. We all loved it. It was so cute & sweet!  This old man was adorable!

And to top our wonderful day together we ate one our favorite meals- grilled cheese, tomato soup & saltine crackers (crushed into the soup of course!) The only thing that would have made this day better is if Brandon wasn't at work & could have enjoyed it with us!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I remember when I was a teenager I could go to sleep anytime of the night & I was always up by 8. No matter how hard I tried you would never catch me being able to nap during the day. Now, I feel like if I don't get a daily nap in then I can't function. I am always so tired. Not sure what has caused it. When the girls were born I was SO tired but still wouldn't be able to sleep during the day. I don't feel like I am that old, I am only 23(almost 24) I don't take any medicines that should make me tired. And sometimes I blame it on my job, but I recall at my previous job I would fall asleep at my desk no matter how hard I tried to avoid it. I would spend my 15 minute breaks snoozing. And at my current job we travel quite a bit so I almost always can get a little cat nap in during the van ride. So, my conclusion is that maybe if I was more in shape & exercised I would regain some of my old energy? The only problem with this is that I have to find the energy to get started! This nice weather really has been a great motivation but I have worked everyday its been nice, and before or after work all I want to do is rest. So I am hoping for a beautiful weekend to start my daily run! But, if it isn't as beautiful as I want it to be I do have a gym membership, which I am ashamed to admit. Because I have been paying for a gym membership for over a year & probably only been to the gym a dozen times! But I AM going to change that!!  I am proud to say I haven't had one D.P.(Dr. Pepper) all week! And I haven't purchased fast food! This is a big accomplishment since at my job we ALWAYS stop for food! Hopefully blogging about this change in my life will help me stick to it! So I am going to continue to say no to my favorite drink in the world!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Kiyah & Kenidi are 3! I cannot believe it. I think it is way harder watching my kids get a year older than watching my own age get older. I am so happy & sad at the same time. This summer my babies will start a dance class, and in the fall they will be in pre school.  Big girls! Well Kiyah & Kenidi I love you SO much! Happy Birthday!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Future plans!

     I have been having a really rough week. My babies aren't babies anymore & I have never been so baby hungry.  As some of you may know I have had some fertility issues. I got twins naturally & now cant get pregnant again! I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, so basically I dont make eggs & my hormones are all out of whack. Also it makes it super hard to loose weight, but super easy to gain it.
      The first round of fertility treatment I did was about a year ago & I got pregnant first try. But then very early in I had a miscarriage. Which was still really hard for me. I wanted it so bad & even though I only knew I was pregnant for a few weeks it was really awful to have that ripped away. In the end it was a blessing since I had to have some gall stones removed that were blocking my liver duct, then have my gall bladder removed.
    We tried probably 6 more rounds of the fertility drug clomid & had no luck. It is so emotionally exhausting & stressful we stopped. I just wish so badly I could be one of those women who can just get pregnant so easily. And I know i am not. And I know that if i can never have another baby it will hurt for a while but in the end I will still have the best little girls in the world. But I am hoping that if I can lose some of this dang weight it will help me get pregnant. So my goal, the next 3 or 4 months loose 20 pounds. Maybe one day, if I work really really hard I will be back to this pre baby pre polycistic skinnier girl!! I can dream right?

    Now onto a more upbeat subject! I am going on my first official vacation since I was a little girl!! Now I have been camping alot & to lake powell. But in April I am going on a girls trip to San Francisco!
 My mom, both my sisters, My Grandma & My Aunt Carol. No kids, No husbands, just us! We have so many things we are going to do there & it is just going to be so fun! I feel like a little kid waiting for  Christmas to be here! I cannot wait.
Daisypath Vacation tickers